
Blog Article

The Benefits Of Packaged Applications

packaged applications

Purchasing a cloud-based communication system should lead to automatic time and cost savings. Yet, businesses often invest in such platforms only to learn they need to go out and build or buy additional supporting applications to complete certain tasks — leading to additional costs and complexities.

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To avoid this issue, it’s important to consider whether a vendor offers packaged applications when looking for a communications platform.

What Are Packaged Applications?

Simply put, a packaged application is a ready-to-implement integration that can be used with a program or service. A packaged application will come pre-built and ready to go, for easy access and optimal efficiency, and often at a reduced cost to third-party applications or custom development.

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That said, some packaged applications can be customizable, allowing you to expand or modify them as needed to fit your workflows.

The Benefits Of Packaged Applications

Packaged applications can be used to extend the capabilities of a communications platform, allowing teams to get more out of the service without having to go through the hassle of designing or obtaining their own custom solutions. After all, application development is still beyond the reach of most companies, as they are complex and difficult to create.

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In addition, packaged applications can have a direct impact on the customer experience, by enabling advanced communications and integrations.

Here are some examples of what packaged applications are designed for:

Employee Notifications During Emergencies

An urgent notification application can be used to communicate with employees and partners during emergency situations like COVID-related outbreaks, security events, severe weather situations, and more. Recipients can receive real-time notifications via text and/or email.

Sending Mass Notifications

Businesses can use a mass notifications application to send messages at scale to customers, partners, and leads. Mass notifications can be used for things like bill reminders, marketing messages, fleet and transportation management, and general announcements like account changes or mergers.

Integrating With CRM Systems

CRM integration can be a massive headache. But with a packaged application, it can be a breeze. A CRM integration application can eliminate manual data entry, enable real-time screen pops for incoming and outgoing calls, and enable click-to-call functionality.

How Star2Star Can Help

Star2Star has a robust set of packaged applications to augment your communications platform. Star2Star’s applications can save time, reduce backend work, and make life easier for employees and customers.

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