Hurricane Electric

Quick Post

​Comparing Burstable and Flat-Rate Ports

Hurricane Electric's flat-rate pricing is often a much better value than a competitor's burstable pricing.

Recently, a prospective customer inquired about 5Gbps-on-10GE service, which a competitor quoted at $0.60 per Mbps ($3,000/month plus $0.60/Mbps for any usage above 5Gbps).

But on the same one-year term, at the same POP location, Hurricane Electric charges $3,000/month for a flat-rate 10Gbps port.

  • Competitor: $3,000/month plus $0.60/Mbps for any usage above 5Gbps.
  • Hurricane: $3,000/month plus $___0/Mbps for any usage above 5Gbps.

Even ignoring other fees charged by the competitor (but not by Hurricane Electric), our IP Transit service has exactly the same base cost, but zero overage charges, eliminating the competing potential for thousands of dollars of overage charges.